~time is precious~

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

lagu ni buat aku gile!!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 0

Thursday, December 17, 2009

damn~my tooth is aching~

Thursday, December 17, 2009 1
mood x berape nak baik sbb sakit gigi...suspect gigi berlubang...hahahhahahahah....rupe2 nye nak tumbuh gigi bongsu...confirm ke bongsu?? bape kali bongsu daaaaa....oleh sbb dentist tu xde keje, die pon dgn suke rela nye buat scaling...FOC ok??hahahhaha....sakit dowh...tp lepas scaling mulut rase selesa & bersih gile...

nak marah jgk bile tgk name aku salah spell kat screen yg terpampang kat klinik tu...its KAMAR ATIQAH BT KAMARUDIN lah!!



Friday, December 11, 2009

dis tyme i want u <3 me much more..

Friday, December 11, 2009 0
phewwww...thinking of the whole last week makes me wanna fuck up!!...dgn demam + darah tinggi...masalah relationship lg..kalo xcukup iman mmg aku da terjun dr tingat 12 (rumah budak ijau) hahahaha...nasib la skang ni sume under control...thanx to my natural talent iaitu memujuk...huahua...

skang ni aku tengah dengar lagu boyz II men - end of the road... sesuai sgt dgn ape yg aku nak luah kan kat buah hati intan payung busuk masyam aku tu...

although we've come
to the end of the road
still i cant let go
its so natural

6/12 mmg hubungan kitorg ni dah dihujung tanduk..mmg time tu aku x tau dah nak buat ape...nak ckp ape..aku just buat bodo and kluar enjoy dgn kawan2 walaupon hakikat nye hati aku ni menangis kat dalam..apesal la susah sgt nak lepas ko ni budak gemok??

when i cant sleep at night
without holding u tight
each time i try i just break down and cry
pain in my head oh i'd rather be dead
spinning around and around

dua hari x tdo dgn die...xtdo kat katil paling selesa kat dunia ni buat aku meroyan jgk la...pegi keje dgn mate sembab..siap eye-bag...cant imagine how ugly i am..gile sial! awk, jgn dera sy dah..hahahaha...

p/s: i know u really love me...u just dont realize!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

yes..because i let my heart open..

Thursday, December 3, 2009 1
aku cuma manusia biasa...yg nak menyayangi org yg aku syg dan disayangi oleh org yg aku syg.. kadang2 hidup ni xadil..tp xkan la nak salah kan takdir plak.. we are only tiny players in this court..what more to be the judge..

bile aku sgt memerlukan, kau tolak aku ke tepi.. bile aku dah kuat kan hati dan blaja bangun sendiri, kau datang nak bagi aku ape yg aku perlukan dulu...yang skrang aku dah xperlukan pon...ye, aku blaja utk move on..aku dah blaja utk move on!! ~arghhh, rimas!!~

yes, it was my fault.. i let my heart open when i had u...but u weren't even there when i need u.. i have waited for u long enough.. and that really cuts me off deep inside..i have given everything that i can..i have lost a lot of thing for the sake of u..

skrang bile dah ade pilihan pon, aku tetap terluka jgk..watever i choose, i will end up hurting myself.. i'm lost!! smlm aku happy..hari ni aku rase nak mati..

and NOW i'm left to choose..great!!

p/s: and u can see my heart..beating. you can see it through my chest..that i'm terrified but i'm not leaving..i know that i must pass this test... SO JUST PULL THE TRIGGER!!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

salam aidiladha...

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 1
aidiladha kali ni mmg cukup gempak...i really enjoy it...yeah!!! x sia2 aku ambik cuti hari khamis..mmg berbaloi2 lah...

aidiladha tahun ni aku sambut di kampung ibu, di pontian johor...oh ye...mak aku org BUGIS!! di pontian, sume ceruk parit (parit masjid, parit mengkuaseng, parit makasar, parit semerah dan byk lagi parit) aku masuk sbb nak knal makanan org bugis e.g burasak and lepat loi...damn it...aku x amik gamba plak utk introduce kat korg mende2 alah tu...xpe2 aku google sat gi...but trust me, it tasted goood...kalah pizza beb!! GUA TABIK SPRING KAT MAK BUANG SBB DAPAT BUAT BURASAK YG SEDAP...YUM YUM!!

ni rumah org bugis...

itu aktiviti hari jumaat a.k.a raya haji yg pertama...the next day adalah hari persandingan kazen aku di dewan utm skudai..kalo aku upload gambo aku kat sini mmg korg x caye lah tu aku...hahahah...aku kene paksa jadi pengapit ok...nasib x pakai wig je...demn it!

dis is lepat loi...

dis is burasak...

p/s: baru knal asal usul aku and i'm proud of it... yup, sy org BUGIS..so wat??

Monday, November 30, 2009

~terlanjur cinta~

Monday, November 30, 2009 0

bile hati dah syg, pahit pon ditelan juge..walau ape pon terjadi, tolonglah sentiasa ade dgn sy ok??
mmg sy slalu ckp PROMISES ARE MADE TO BE BROKEN...but pls not this time..

~i'm already gone~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

~when the wrong one loves u right~

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 0

Don't care, what they think

How they feel, or what they say
You're everything, I never knew
I always wanted, baby
I've been warned, so many times
They tell me I've ignored the signs

But nobody knows you like I do
The only one for me is you

I can't stop, can't fight, can't resist it
When the wrong one loves you right
Can't run - can't hide - can't say no
When the wrong ones loves you right
(Oh-oh-oh oh)
When the wrong ones loves you right

Getting tired, of hearing that
You're dangerous, but they won't stop
Until I leave, they won't believe
That being with you won't break my heart
So worried 'bout, the road ahead
They can't see that, you're my best friend

They're never gonna take me away from you
There's nothing they can do

I can't stop, can't fight, can't resist it
When the wrong one loves you right
Can't run - can't hide - can't say no
When the wrong ones loves you right
(Oh-oh-oh oh)
When the wrong ones loves you right

How can I walk away
When the feeling's so strong
I know you're where I belong
They say I let my heart
Make up my mind
That's why I'll never say goodbye

I can't stop, can't fight, can't resist it
When the wrong one loves you right
Can't run - can't hide - can't say no
When the wrong ones loves you right
(Oh-oh-oh oh)
When the wrong ones loves you right

I can't stop, can't fight, can't resist it
When the wrong one loves you right
Can't run - can't hide - can't say no
When the wrong ones loves you right
(Oh-oh-oh oh)
When the wrong ones loves you right

by Celine Dion

p/s: happy 33rd monthversary syg!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

usezz big day!

Sunday, November 8, 2009 0

date: 5 nov 2009
venue: borneo, sunway
time: 11.00pm

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Wednesday, November 4, 2009 0

4 nov 2009 mmg tarikh hitam utk keluarga aku...nasib xde yg cedera atau barang yg hilang...
al-kisah nye pada jam 11 pagi, sedang aku leka menikmati shower...tiba2 terdengar la jeritan ayu mak aku...PENCURIK! PENCURIK! ape lagi...sarung boxer ngan tshirt...trus lari pecut..

bile sampai di tempat kejadian...inilah hasil nye! {lu lambat la beb} kate adik aku~

kalo da selak bagai pon boleh dikopak dan dipotongnye...hampeh punye penyamun...pas ni aku letak karen keliling rumah plak (kang besepah plak bangkai kucing aku kat laman rumah)...ahh..biar lah...nasib la die xdpt masuk sbb tersedar ade org dlm rumah kot...

menurut cerita mak & adik aku, mereka dengar bunyi bising kat dapur..bile adik aku pi jenguk, die nampak 3 orang arab lengkap berjubah putih dan kopiah sedang bz potong besi selak... tanpa sebarang prasangka buruk adik aku pon tanye kat dorg tu~"ye..kenape??"~ dengan muke teperanjat si penyamun tu ckp sori dan terus blah..PANJAT PAGAR OK..PUKUL 11 PAGI..BUKAN MALAM!! OMG...DUDUK RUMAH SENDIRI PON X SELAMAT.. di hujung lorong kelihatan sebuah kereta persona berwarna putih sedang menunggu ketiga2 penyamun tu...

mlm tu kami sekeluarga tdo dgn pintu dapur separuh terbuka...ayah aku la yg tdo kat dapur dan kami adik beradik sume tdo kat bilik bawah...esok nye sume x pegi skolah dan x pegi keje.. sbb risau keselamatan mak aku...

susah betul nak cari tukang pintu...sampai ke nilai 3..ape pon syukur alhamdulillah sume selamat sbb jiran aku kate 2 minggu lepas ade kes samun pastu die rogol skali anak tuan rumah tu sbb marah org tu xde cash..bodoh punye penyamun..dah la bangsa asing..buat taik kat negara org plak..damn!

p/s: aku fobia sampai org afganistan dtg mintak derma anak yatim pon aku xmo bukak pintu...siap jerit2 lagi kat org tu suh blah :))

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Thursday, October 29, 2009 0

hari ni datang la mood meroyan aku ni...selepas amik kawan amie di jalan TAR dan pergi lunch di tesco kajang, tetibe datang plak idea nak melawat tugu negara..hahahahha...dah la hujan...sah gile!

apapun, dah 25 tahun aku idup kat malaysia yg aman damai lagi makmur sejahtera ni, ni la first time aku tgk tugu negara live depan mata...sebelum ni tgk dlm buku teks sejarah mase blaja dulu jek...

enjoy our pics!

p/s: hidup utk enjoy!!ahakzz....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

~lepak time~

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 0
hah~layan pics dulu...

halamak...mcm gamba lame kan??
me + amie

me + amie
ko tgk amie tu x mo lepas mic tu..

kekasih amie (wan) + kekasih aku (ckin)

lame x jmp amie...bile dah jmp masing2 x sabar nak update diri masing2...dari hal keje, gf, bisnes...sume nye lah...lepas dinner, kitorg pegi karoke...kat wangsa walk yg baru bukak tu....rm18 per hour~harap maklum~

p/s: sayang...jgn gelakkan sy lagi psl breakdance tu tau!

~mengucap panjang sambil urut dada bace metro hari ni~

Rabu,21 Oktober 2009..

manusia semakin kejam...

apelah dosa budak umur 3 tahun yg sampai ko hukum die camtu setan?? entah2 si afrika ni yg bunuh nurin jazlin...nafsu ape ni ngan budak 3 tahun pon ko tegamak buat bende tekutuk tu??kalo da sangap sgt carik la ayam2 kat luar sane tuh...kan ke belambak kat belakang2 lorong kat kl tu...

yg emak nye pon same..besekongkol skali ngan negro tu..padahal anak kandung die...aku yg x penah beranak ni pon bole nangis bile bace metro hari ni...mak jenis apekah die ni??binatang pon x buat anak mcm tu...xde akal ke?? org mcm ni patut nye buat cam zaman nabi dulu...hukum rejam sampai mati depan orang ramai...dan biar orang ramai yang rejam!! owh...kejam nye!!

6bulan lalu kucing aku beranak dlm longkang depan rumah..waktu tu hujan lebat..die mengiau2 depan pintu rumah suh buka kan pintu...bile aku da bukak pintu, belari die ulang-alik longkang tu sambil gonggong anak2 die masuk dlm rumah... tgklah...binatang beranak dlm longkang tp berusaha nak selamatkan anak die pegi tempat yg selesa dan selamat....tp manusia?? beranak kat rumah tp campak anak dlm longkang??? hina nye manusia ni kan?? binatang x pegi sekolah pon tau nilai2 moral...lebih berperikemanusiaan...

marilah kite same2 menyeru pihak kerajaan...drpd dorg sebok nak banteras pengkid, baiklah dorg tgk isu yg lebih serius...pengkid seperti kami ni x timbulkan major isu dlm komuniti..kami x buang anak...malah ramai golongan kami yg ambik dan bela anak angkat...xpenah lagi pengkid rogol ke liwat ke cabul anak orang sampai mati...merompak apetah lagi..setakat isu pukul dan buli letak no 2 pon xpe drpd negara tanggung malu bila pelancong dtg malaysia tgk anak luar nikah besepah2 dlm longkang!!


LiLo is BacK!!

finally lilo (errr....sarah's new alter ego) is back!!! after 1 month relaxing at the workshop, she's finally home....welcome back dear~we really miss you~

check out her new look~

p/s: zozo misses u a lot, too!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

~BeBe CoCkTaiL PaRtY~

Sunday, October 18, 2009 0
motif aku ikut dorg pi grand opening butik ni??entah...xde keje kot...padahal aku x penah denga pon brand BeBe...denga kate mahal gak barang BeBe ni yek??wedges die je rm999...top rm318... wah...walopun ade 20% off sempena opening, rase nye xde beza kan sayang?? hahahah

yang penting dpt cuci mate sbb model2 nye hawt2 gitew...cantik cam bidadari turun dr kayangan...

yang dorg ni pon seronok le dpt goodies bag...cam biase ler...goodies beg den bini den yg sebat!!

~at last~

dah lame die duk hint2 aku die suke fragrance Aqua Di Gio...oleh sebab die merajuk smlm sbb aku membebel die balik lewat malam sebb buat assignment last minute...tegerak plak nak beli perfume ni.....

mase pi jmp die, besinar2 mate die tgk plastic bag SaSa yg aku pegang...jeng3...senyum simpul yek~

p/s: wait for me...i'll be back soon ye...i miss u too!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

~blog yg x masuk akal~

Sunday, October 4, 2009 35

will ckin2u be suffice, sugar??

i’m sorry for being so ruthless for the past one whole week. we’ve learnt our lesson so much tru it..like i said before..if i spill it..means i want u to understand the situation, the problem and therefore u know ur mistake. thus u can say sorry and not blatantly repeat the same mistake again…in contrary if i don’t have any intention to repair this relationship..i’ll be silent..and slowly dissappear.. but i dont do that because i love you..remember i told u before, the moment i decided to be with u..i was serious..i want us to be forever.. and i’ll make sure it be reality..and that is not a cheap talk..and frankly speaking..i feel at ease after i spill it in the blog.. though i know that blog will kill u..and now i wanted so much to redeem it.. i wanted to catch and pull back the arrow that had thrusted abruptly right to the centre of ur chest…

i want u and me to mend this..that’s why i bring it on. i’m not the type of person who can speak well..and after throw it tru wordss to my frens than i’ll be ok..no, i’m not that.. and i’m not the type who cry..then i feel release…no, that’s not me either.. i’ll always keep things inside.. i dont know how to share my probs with other..i just dont believe sharing is caring.. for me sharing is fucking.. in reality nobody care for us! they just wanna fuck us! they just waiting for the right time..meanwhile they disguise behind they angle-look face.

i dont give a damn to people like this..i dont trust anyone. for me, entertaining people like this is just a waste of my expensive time.. that’s why..you poeple who talk bad stuff about me..i dont do nothing!.. u fuck me to my newly-wed wife..i dont do nothing!..she cried, her best friend cried..because of the stories u brought… but still.. i dont do nothing to u! why?? because i’m not like u! i-am-not-like-u!… for educated and professional people like me… you guys are just blood-sucking motherfucker who worth nothing more than a bloody asshole flea for us to entertain! such a waste of time! (dont be mad i said u so! because what u sow is what u reap buddy!..u reflect urself like that..not me! u show ur price..not me!..dats why they said i’m expensive..because whatever u do..i just remain silent..and ignore..because as wiseman say - silence is brilliant and if i reply back whatever u do..then we’ll be the same..and i never want to downgrade myself!! oh jeez no! )

i was wrong the accept ur hand to be my fren monthss ago..that was my mistake. i should know u have ur own agenda. i trusted u with all my heart and that was why i dont mind to give u my mrs’s ym id, phone number and i even fulfiled your wish to meet her! (how nice am i, dont u think?) because i was sincere to u..to this friendship. no hidden agenda.. but at the back..u fucked me! everytime u chatted with her..u talked all the bad things about me in the past, u forward all my chats with other girls in the past to her, why? …frens dont do that to frens, am i not right? therefore i sum up that u never once percieve me as a fren. u just want to revenge! go ahead buddy…if that can satisfy u. chat with all my frens in my frenster…chat with all my frenss in my yahoo list..talk bad things about me…go on sell my dignity… go ahead!.. but pls ask them… have i ever say something bad about u to them?? ask them???!!! then ask my mrs.. have i ever talked something bad about u to her?.. the answer is NEVER! that’s why she likes u..she treat u as a sister..because all the stories that i told her was everything positive about u… but just imagine…if from day 1 i fucked u.. and keep on fucking u to her..will u think she’s gonna entertain u when first time u buzz her in ym? will she reply ur text?? will she pick up ur call??? come on buddy.. for once, pls put on ur thinking cap.. be an adult. or if it is very difficult for u to comprehend, just flash back to our past. remember when u met ur partner?.. i was happy. in fact i am the one who asked ur partner to find someone near. because she always complaint of having a-far-away coule is so difficult…so i was happy she found u.. but…when she talk about u..never once she said that u are good.. she said that u are a women-beater, u such a broke-down fellow..bla..blaa..blaa and as a consequences i hated u so much! (of coz i was mad to discover u beat her..when i never even pinch her! ) i don’t even want to look at ur face! that was why i refused to meet u..run from u..i hate u..i can’t even look at ur face! till u said that i was coward… and i think, that is what definitely will happen if i fuck u to my mrs! she will hate u! i don’t think she will pick up ur call, reply ur text … don’t u think??? but as u know.. she was nice to u.. call u adik.. bought u cigar… why? that’s why i said..put on ur thinking cap buddy..at least for once in ur lifetime…the answer is simple, because i tell her nice story abt u… come buddy, think…open up ur mind. or maybe its good if we trade our shoe..u use mind..i use urs..just to see wut is like to be me..i’ll be u..just to see what it like to feel my pain and i feel ur pain..and go inside each other’s mind..

lemme tell u somehing… (this kinda stuff only come across the mind of scholistic ppl by the way) .. but i wanna share with u..you know.. when u talk bad things abt me to my frens…. my frenss wont judge me.. but they actually judging u.. am i not right frenss??? u, yourself show that u are a jerk!.. wut do we call a fren who fuck her fren? ….. jerk? fucker? motherfucker? shit? yeap.. thats u..! grow up buddy.. dont let ur mouth destroy u… today u do this to me.. trust me buddy.. this thing will come back to u..u just have to wait…as the saying goes..wut goes around comes around. anyway, we were doing very fine before..good as a fren..but u spoilt everything.. the last we chat, u said that i’m jealous..ha. ha. very funny. i was mad that day because everytime u chat with her ..u will definitly tell her the shit that i’ve done in the past! why? u want her to leave me? u want her to be carefull when she with me? u are trying to be a hero here? saving a girl from me? for god sake, she’s in her mid 30’s young fellow! mid 30’s..not 20’s..she is highly educated, she’s professional..and she doesn’t need an advice from u..who are u?? on top of that, between u and her..she knows me first..we’ve known each other for 18 fucking years!!! now, tell me who are u n where are u in between me and my mrs? that is the sole reason why i mad about u..u shit and fuck me every time u chat with her not because i’m jealous.. as a matter of fact, i never feel jealous between u and my mrs..because i know my mrs very well..she’s not cheap ..she has rules and sets of criteria to be adhered if u wanted to be her mr. let me share with u a few..first, u must posses a fuckin good lookin face! ( this is a must!), 2nd u must be smart and highly educated chap (another must!) bla..bla..blaa..(obviously loadss more) but enough to mention 2, because these 2 basic things u dont have ‘em..then i dont need to tell the rest. therefore, i dont have nothing to be jealous to u. NOTHING! if u want to compare yourself with me..we are way too far (i’m not talking about physical possesion here because this one u are nothing near to me..but our way of thinking, our mind) ..so i dont have reason to feel jealous to u… and if u wanna fire me back, dont use this jealous-stuff-reason..coz her frenss and my frenss will laugh to death if they know u said that i’m jealous. later they will say again this phrase “..obviously u are stupid kan?” .. but, nonetheless one thing i do jealous about u actually, u get to be with ur partner anytime u want..and i can’t..yess this one i do jelous..in fact i envy for all couples who get to stay together..u guys are very lucky! alright, enough about u..if u are not satisfy with my writing..u can always see me..and i can always explain to u..(still, i’m trying to be nice to u..huh..)

pheww…lets get back to my story about me and my mrs., alamak syg..i truly dry out of idea now..maybe i rap so much negetive things up there and it loses my mood..but..thank for last night..it was wonderful..actually here i wanted to say sorry…trust me u have tested me to max..and still i’m here with u….and the 2nd day of my silence killed me like never before! i know i shouldn’t be silence like that..and i’m not proud of that..that just me.. but i think..that sour and stench night will go away once i spray u with ckin2u :D

sugar, marry me! i’ll get a ring and talk to ur mother…i never be so certain like this before! u are the one that i want to keep for the rest of my life…u are the one that i want every day and night… i’m sorry for being so out of my mind lately..i luv u..and really luv u..my heart juz need ur gentle touch to cool this anger down..my ears juz need ur voice then only i can hear the voice of others..my eyes juz need ur beautiful smile..then only i’ll be able to see the smile or the rest…and my lips need ur lips to break this frown..for wutever had happened..and will happen, we are solid and nothing can change that.

i’m truly in luv with u, sugar..and i’m so crazy for ur luv..

p/s: pynud...ko ni klaka la...penat aku gelak!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

~kene buli~

Saturday, October 3, 2009 3

~kerana sayang, aku rela jadi tester~

Friday, October 2, 2009

++umbai lagi++

Friday, October 2, 2009 1

semalam (rabu,30 oktober) aku ke umbai lg...kali ni bawak ahli baru = jasmin dan lyn..

betolak dr kl around 5...lewat sbb tayar pancit di shah alam...pastu amik min kat bangi dan terus memecut ke mmu melaka utk menculik lyn...smpi di mmu melaka, lyn ni xsiap repot plak so suh kitorg pi jln2...kitorg x nak...xbest la kalo xde die...so kitorg puncr la apartment die...bile da smpi, die kate die ade kat luar sbb td ade gegaran so die belari kluar....kitorg ingat die klentong je tp rupe2nye btol...haih...

sementara nak tunggu die siap report tu kitorg pon terjun swimming pool kat rumah die tu...da penat mandi, kami siap2 dan memecut ke umbai...sedih la x dpt mkn kat kedai no2 -ikan bakar sri kemajuan- sebab kedai tu ikan cencaru nye dah habis...so kami makan kat kedai sebelah...

menu - 4 ekor ikan cencaru bakar, 3 ekor ketam masak sambal, seekor ikan tuka, udang goreng tepung, sotong goreng tepung, kerang bakar, nasi putih / nasi lemak, ais kosong 2 jug..total rm90...bole tahan la tp kalo makan kat gerai no2 tu mesti lagi murah...

oleh sebab esok kami kene keje, pas makan trus bergegas balik kl...smpi di kl around 2 selapas hantar min dan lin...balik trus pengsan!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Wednesday, September 30, 2009 0
pening nak pikir tajuk post kali ni...cozy tu bersempena ngan name restoran yg kitorg mkn smlm..

alkisahnye smlm we had dinner at cozy place restaurant...kat area wangsa walk yg baru bukak kat area wangsa maju tu..best jgk la tempatnye..konsep english..harga pon ok...smlm aku mkn white rice with sweet& sour chicken harga nye rm8.50...american chocolate cake die mmg marvellous!! dua kali aku mkn...huhuhu..

tempatnye sgt tenang...ade alunan muzik yg menenangkan jiwa..mmg sesuai la mkn dgn insan tersayang...wah!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

~pegilah...aiman x kesah~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 4
mood~bz becinta dgn anak pak rahim~ :))...so aku xde mase la nak cari org lain lagi2 kalo org tu org tua!!

hye all...post kali ni ditujukan untuk org yg bodoh betingkat2..go and get a life!! inilah jadinye kalo kite nak buat baik dgn musuh kite sendiri..kadang2 bile kite jujur dan ikhlas nak terima die seadanye...die tuduh kite macam2...

aku ingat lagi dulu...bile die mengadu kat aku ade org ugut2 gf die...gf die pon ade ngadu kat aku...siap bagi no tepon org yg ugut tu suh aku cari sape gerangannye...aku tolong je...aku call bangsat tu tp x nak angkat {ingat berani la sgt smpi nak ugut2 anak org} smpi lenguh jari aku ni hari2 dok call...

ade satu hari di bulan pose tu plak gf die duk tunggu aku nak jumpe...smpi kul 3 pagi aku dtg pon duk tunggu lg...pastu aku plak yg di tuduh nak rembat gf die..gile!! meh sini aku nak ckp sikit...ko tau x gf ko tu kalo chat ngan aku die mesti appear offline???die kate ko x kasi aku chat ngan die...pandai plak ko jeles kan???dah rase dah ape aku rase mase ko scandal ngan gf aku??
gf ko ckp kat aku jgn sekali2 ckp kat ko yg die chat ngan aku...tp aku ckp je kat ko kan???sbb aku x nampak ape2 masalah pon...dah die nak chat aku layan je la...aku dah kate aku anggap die kakak...FULLSTOP!! plus...aku ni mude remaja lagi so buat ape aku nak scandal ngan org tua??ape pekdah nye...haha..aku ni bekawan je ngan org tua so that diorg bole buat aku act lebih matang...BEKAWAN FAHAM???

benda boleh bwk bincang tp ko pecaye sgt kat gf ko tu kan??jgn smpi aku paste chat die tu kat tempat yg sume org bole judge aku atau die yg cari pasal skang ni...ko tu tolong la kluar dr kepompong ko tu...sampai bile nak kene tipu???blaja tinggi2 tp bodoh...dah merantau seluruh dunia tp bangang!!

kepada org yg lalu lalang kat blog aku ni pastu nak ngadu2...nak menyampai2...aku nasihatkan ko cari la keje yg mulia sket...da xde keje lain ke selain nak memecahbelahkan orang???ke nak aku pecahkan pale ko baru ko nak sedar???

friends come and go...so aku xpeduli la ko nak blah dr hidup aku atas sebab2 yg bodoh...aku x kuasa la nak pikir bende2 kecik ni...aku banyak lg bende penting nak buat...dan aku ramai lagi kawan2 yang tau menghargai...so, kalo ko nak blah...silelah!! {AKU BENTANG KARPET MERAH NI!}

P/S: to someone...thanx sbb baru sedarkan saye betape die tu menyusahkan hidup saye..btol la ckp awk...die xde ke ade same je... but i'm glad cuz I GOT YOU!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

~i <3 u~

Sunday, September 27, 2009 3

dah 6hari x jmp cinte...rindu nye...

semalam pagi2 aku da tepacak kat rumah die..aku tunggu die lamenye nak bersiap..die kate sakit perut..aku usik die ~"ye ke?? ke awk baru bangun tp takut saye marah kate baru bangun??"~ die sengih je..~"taklah...saye da lame bangun tp sy tgk cheetah gurl pakai towel"~ sengih lagi...x sampai hati nak marah...

usik lagi~"semalam kan ade org telefon sy nangis2...die kate lapar"~senyap....~"awk nak breakfast mc d x??"~angguk....hmmm....datang la mud penyegan die tu...hah lupe plak die ni kalo da lame x jmp aku mule la nak malu2 kucen..lepas drive tru mc d trus menghala ke jpn maju junction sbb nak amik ic...die duk dlm kete je...x nak turun...

pas pi jpn cadang nye nak pi tabung haji sbb nak amik buku akaun...penat aku daki parking lot tu smpi tingkat 7...bile turun kat lobi...PAPPPP!!!!aku tepuk dahi...tepampang kat depan batang idung aku ~TERIMA KASIH KERANA MENUTUP AURAT~ "sayang..larikkkkkk!!

pastu terus ke timesquare...cadang nye nak tgk wayang...otw nak naik ke wayang tu sempat gak betekak..."saye nak tgk jin notti"~"saye nak tgk final destination"~"ala.....kite tgk jin notti la"~"awk tgk la jin notti, saye tgk final destination"~"saye nak tgk dgn awk"~hmmm....hampeh tol buat suare2 yg buat aku surrender ni....~"ok la...kite tgk jin notti...tp kalo x best awk mmg nak kene ngan sy"~

sementara nak tunggu wayang tu start, kitorg pekena la ice blended kat starbucks..melepak dlm sejam jgk la...

pas tgk wayang balik rumah...tdo sampai kul 8 pastu bangun pi giant beli barang keperluan... pastu pi dinner...then die belikan aku vcd final destination 4 dgn up! ~thanx darl~

love Pictures, Images and Photos

p/s: i do cherish every moment when i am with u becuz when we are apart i realize how much u meant to me~

Thursday, September 24, 2009

++behind every successful person, lies a bunch of haters++

Thursday, September 24, 2009 0
p/s: tq for hating me :)

++raya sakan++

baru sampai dr jb pagi td...around 2am...penat sungguh...byk jgk kereta kat malaysia ni....nak pegi pon jem...nak balik lg la jem...

anyway...x puas la beraya kat kampung...balik sehari je sbb ayah aku da kene keje hari ni...dah lame x balik beraya kat johor sbb duk balik kampung ayah aku kat terengganu...nasib la pakcik makcik sepupu sepapat sume knal aku lg :)

dan yang paling best aku gaduh ngan pakcik makcik aku sbb dorg x caye aku dah keje...aku hulur2 duit raya kat sepupu sapapat sume buat muke confuse...nampak nye dorg x sedar yang aku ni dah membesar!!!!! wakakakakak......sume ingat aku blaja lagi...siap ade pakcik aku cakap "eh, dah pakai kereta sendiri dah...." ITU LA BALA NYE BILE DAH LAME X BALIK KAMPUNG!!!

al-kisahnye mak aku ni ade 17 adik beradik seibu dan sebapa...tp 5 dah pass away...so tinggal la 12 org lagi...4 makcik dan 8 pakcik aku belah mak aku je....korang bygkan la betapa gamat nye kampung aku tu bile kitorg balik raye...mak aku anak ke 16...die je ade 5 org anak...naik gile aku membasuh pinggan mangkuk lepas kenduri hari tu.....keluarga kitorg je dah betimbun pinggan mangkuk...belum tetamunye lg...PENGSAN!!!!

hal duit raye plak...oleh kerana aku ni berlori2 sepupu, tepakse la aku bg duit raye kat sepupu2 yg kecik2 je....bg rm2 sudeh...budak kecik x kesah sgt asalkan dpt duit kertas....duit syiling x nak!!!KELAS GITU!!!!!

p/s: raye2 jgk....bile la nak jmp kekasih hati...jarang tau bepisah lame camni...rase nak mati je ni....makan x kenyang....tdo x nyenyak...mandi x basah...APEKAH???

Monday, September 21, 2009

~aktiviti mlm raye~

Monday, September 21, 2009 0

salam semua...aktiviti mlm raya ahun ni ialah menjadi budak2!!!!yiiiihaaaa....saje je layan adik beradik aku yg nak main bunge api...aku pon tompang la sekaki...last2 aku lelah plak sbb sedut byk sgt asap...masuk gas lagi!!

ni je aktiviti yg aku buat rase nye...org lain sume pi semayang raye pastu pi open house PM tp aku bangun kul 2 ptg...pas mandi, makan trus tgk tv...hari ni x pakai baju raye pon..pakai sluar pendek je...

ok la...nak kemas beg..esok nak balik kampung kat johor...kene tdo awal sbb nak drive...babai!

p/s: miss u darl~balik cepat tau!

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