~time is precious~

Thursday, January 28, 2010

~i got a new friend!~

Thursday, January 28, 2010 2
pls click on the image to see full size

al-kisahnye smlm ade org drop msg dlm inbox aku kat facebook...ternampak aku di melaka kate nye...aku cuba nak add die tp sampai saat blog ni ditulis...die x approve2 lg fren request aku...knape yek??

nak story sket psl kisah yg mungkin x berkaitan dgn cerita di atas tp agak bersangkut paut lah...pada bulan puasa yang lepas, aku dan adik aku (aleya name nye) pergi bazar ramadhan dekat dgn rumah aku kat bandar bukit mahkota...

tgh syok kitorg bejalan sambil meninjau2 juadah yg ada, tetibe terdengar sayup org memekik 'aleya! aleya! aleya'... kitorg pon carik la dr mane dtg nye pekikan tu...rupenye ade sorg mamat ni die tgh meniaga murtabak kat bazar tu...kitorg pon pegi la ke arah mamat tu..pastu die tanye adik aku 'awk ni aleya kamarudin kan??sy ni hafiz la...sy ade dalam facebook awk'

AKU MACAM NAK PENGSAN!! APE GILE KO TEPEKIK TELOLONG KAT PUBLIC SBB ADIK AKU ADE DLM FACEBOOK KAU JE?? nasib bg murtabak free kalo x hangin jgk aku satu bazar tu tgk kitorg...haih!

kesimpulannye...ade baik buruk social networking sites ni...aku dapat ramai kawan yg best2 dr frenster, facebook, tagged, hi5...dan ade yg dah 7 tahun kitorg bekawan...kawan2 yg aku lepak skang pon kebanyakan nye yg kenal kat fb or frenster...tapi kalo knal ngan org yg salah...mau merana hidup ko!

~nak elak suwey punye pasal~

afternoon peepers!

baru sampai ofis...hari ni afternoon shift...bosan!! sbb aku rase bile keje petang, jam tu begerak lambat sgt...pastu mengantuk gile nak tunggu shift habis kol 9.30 mlm...mase bersama insan2 tersayang pon kurang...

pagi td aku bangun 7:30...bile sampai rumah ckin die nak tdo lg...aku ingat nak ajak breakfast sesame...golek punye golek sampai kol 9 baru die bangun nak mandi...aku mintak maap lah kalo dah golek2 tu mmg dah malas nak bangun...sbb mmg prinsip idup aku tido lagi penting dr mkn...

lepas ckin mandi...dah siap pakai baju, perfume bagai, die pon kejut aku suh mandi...tp aku xnak...aku ckp kat die awk gi beli mkn la pastu bwk balik...sekali die tarik muke daaaa.... mak aku ckp kalo pagi2 org tarik muke ngan kite nnt satu hari tu suwey!!

ape lagi....aku trus bedesupp masuk bilik air trus mandi...bile da siap mandi die bole tanye aku "eh, dah mandi??cepat nye!"....bagaikan x percaya aku dah mandi, die cium satu badan aku!!
"owh...awk pakai sabun sy eh??" die tanye...aku pon jawab, "a-ah, sabun lifebuoy tu kene bukak2 penutup die so sy malas...nak cepat...sy amik yg tekan2 je".. pastu die jwab "ok, untuk awk nnt sy beli sabun yg tekan"...aku sambil tersengih jawab "untuk sy rajin mandi?"

Lepas tu terus pegi amik watip and pegi mkn kat shahjahan..org shajahan pon dah hafal ape aku nk makn so xpyh aku susah2 nak pk...hahaha.. weekend ni nak ke kedah sbb nak jmp yan...dah rindu sgt kat yan...sambil tu budak2 ni bole la buat marketing bisnes baru dorg...

tunggu gamba2 menarik aku di kedah nnt ye..nak amik gambo kat sawah padi..hahaha...xsabar...eksaited ni!

p/s: xpenah jejak tgk sawah padi depan mata..kesian kan??asik tgk dlm buku and dlm tv je.. :))

ckin tetap fan aku no 1...hahahahaha
mmg ko gile akt aku kan??kan??kan??

Monday, January 25, 2010


Monday, January 25, 2010 0

xmo ckp byk~a picture is worth than thousand words (:

p/s: nak pegi lg~sape nak ikot sile email sy


sbb aku membesar di johor...dan cuma lagu negeri johor je yg aku tahu...maka dgn ini aku mengisytiharkan aku berkabung selama erk...bape hari??erk...tgk lah... :D

al-fatihah buat SULTAN JOHOR...semoga roh baginda di tempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg beriman..

p/s: Makluman rakan2 ku : Jika anda berada sekitar Negeriku JOHOR. Anda WAJIB berpakaian "Berkabung" ( Perempuan Islam : Memakai tudung/selendang putih, Lelaki Islam : Bersongkok lilit kain putih 1.5 inci, Non Muslim : memakai balut hitam di tangan kiri ) selama seminggu atas tanda hormat kepada Pemergian Almarhum ......Sultan Johor. Jika tidak anda akan di SAMAN RM300 !! Sekian. Harap Maklum !!

bendera dikibarkan separuh tiang..

Friday, January 22, 2010

my horoscope for today~

Friday, January 22, 2010 0

guess what?? i am wearing PINK today

and at 9am today... i rushed to send my gf to work...LUCKY TIME OF THE DAY

any business transactions you have today should be given your intense concentration??
bisnes apekah? hmmm....mesti aku kene ngadap business ads yg mengarut lg hari ni
adehhh...PEDIH HULU HATI...

~baru rase balik rutin seorang boifren~

morning peepers!!

baru nak lelap mate setelah tersangkut dlm jem selepas pulang dr rumah cik nurul huda, si comey ni dpt plak sms dr si watip...meeting at 9am..aku nak knalkan ko kat all the bosses...

2 HARI LEPAS...jmp watip di mali dan aku dengar mereka berangan2 tentang bisnes impian...tup tup hari ni bisnes tu dah ade!! KORANG NI ORANG KE BUKAN ORANG???

JAM 8:35AM...meeting pukul 9??? wtf?? bedesup pegi mandi si comey tu...aku relax je...pastu sarung sluar pendek...grab sluar jeans utk keje kol 12.30 nnt...pakai perfume sket, amik kunci kereta, panaskan enjin...amik laptop... GET SET...GO!!!

ofis nye di UKAY PERDANA ye kawan2...dan skang aku berada di kedai mamak di depan ofis die..tetibe rase balik rutin harian dulu..mase die kerja kat BERJAYA...hari2 aku melepak starbucks tunggu die...hantar, ambik.... :)
{kadang2 nak suruhje naik LRT tp x sampai hati..hahah}



P/S: ku ingin dirimu dekat dihatiku...berdua kita kan raih bahagia ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

~enjoying my life to the fullest~PLS DO NOT DISTURB!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010 0

P/S: If we keep on judging people, we have no time to love them..
hate me for who i am..i am not born to impressed u!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

~lepak di mali~

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 0

ye kawan2..smlm aku kurang sehat ye tp terpaksa bekerja hingga lewat malam...membanting tulang empat kerat ni selagi terdaya...selagi x patah tulang ni kene kerja ok?? demam2 pon kene kerja..haih (tepuk2 dahi sambey ckp dlm hati knape la mase aku lahir x trus ade 30juta dlm bank)..MUNTAH DARAH :p

smlm lepas keje ckin amik bwk gi mkn kat mali...nak jmp kawan baik nye yg dah lame x berjumpe...sementara dorg berborak tentang kereta idaman, rumah idaman, boifren idaman, dan business impian dorg tu aku yg maha bosan ni pon grab N82 ckin yg baru diwarisi tu...saje nak test camera die ok x...kate ade 2 camera kan!!!camera depan die tu agak la mengujakan aku kan...jgn cari boifren yg buta it mcm i tau...bile watip tanye bile nak angkat dslr aku cam tepinga2 jap...ape kah menatang itu??

yang penting byk jgk la gambo yg terhasil walaupon kualiti nye agak cincai...dah kate dah jgn cr boifren cam i sbb dah nak dekat 20 pics aku snap baru lah tersedar mode VGA!!arghhh....layan..

p/s: layak ke aku nak angkat dslr wei??

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

~i am getting bored each day..haha~

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 2
yeap people...i am so fucking bored here...HELP!! the server is down and i was like reading the newspaper for 3 times..bukak frenster-fail to load...bukak hi-5-fail to connect to server..bukak tagged-fail to load....bukak habbo-please install flash macromedia...damn shit..

nasib la FB bole bukak (: layan quiz

ahakzz...dis is so true..

p/s: nurul huda azmi, dont make me fall in love with u if u dont have the intention to catch me...daaaaaaaa

Monday, January 18, 2010

~weird facts about us~

Monday, January 18, 2010 4
ni fakta bukan auta ok??mungkin korg x pecaye tp pecaye lah!!

kamar's ic no : 840729-03-5710
ckin's ic no: 870209-14-5710

weird?? want more??

kamar's parents anniversary : 6 august 1983
ckin's parents anniversary : 5 august 1985

kamar's birthday : 29 july 1984
ckin's mum b'day: 28 july 19--

kamar's 4th sister b'day : 28 nov 1996
ckin's 4th bro b'day : 27 nov 1991

kamar's bro name : ammar syaqir
ckin's bro name: ammar hakim & ammar aizat

kamar's 3rd sister name : kamar ainaa
ckin's sister name : nurul aainaa

p/s: nape??x pecaye??

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T.Harv Eker

Wednesday, January 13, 2010 5

Wealth Files

1. Rich people believe “I create my life.” Poor people believe “Life happens to


2. Rich people play the money game to win. Poor people play the money game

to not lose.

3. Rich people are committed to being rich. Poor people want to be rich.

4. Rich people think big. Poor people think small.

5. Rich people focus on opportunities. Poor people focus on obstacles.

6. Rich people admire other rich and successful people. Poor people resent rich

and successful people.

7. Rich people associate with positive, successful people. Poor people associate

with negative and unsuccessful people.

8. Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value. Poor people

think negatively about selling and promotion.

9. Rich people are bigger than their problems. Poor people are smaller than

their problems.

10. Rich people are excellent receivers. Poor people are poor receivers.

11. Rich people choose to get paid based on results. Poor people choose to get

paid based on time.

12.Rich people think “both”. Poor people think “either/or.”

13. Rich people focus on their net worth. Poor people focus on their working


14. Rich people manage their money well. Poor people mismanage their money


15. Rich people have their money work hard for them. Poor people work hard

for their money.

16. Rich people act in spite of fear. Poor people let fear stop them.

17. Rich people constantly learn and grow. Poor people think they already know.

p/s: take note peeps!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

kalo ko x suke cara aku ko bole blah!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010 2
yup..to all so called friends out there..yes, i'm having a big problem with ckin right now...thanx to her who spread the news!! if u ever heard about this, pls just listen...kalo x nak denga pon sile la pekak kan telinge...dan yg paling penting shut ur mouth because i dont even need ur opinion..sbb ini relationship aku dan aku lebih faham..

kepada ckin yg sgt comey..saye xpeduli la awk nk ckp ape pon kat org...sy trust kak yanie and usue sbb tu sy cuma ckp kat dorg psl kite..and awk ada jaja and yan which i dont mind at all because they are my friends too...but u have cross the line dear...amie, zira, ayu,lin,jasmin ntah sape2 lg yg tau psl ni..


Monday, January 11, 2010

35th anniversary~p.e.r.f.e.c.t

Monday, January 11, 2010 1

yup...we made it~35th anniversary~100110~

~they say i'll bet they'll never make it but just look at us holding on~
we still together still going strong

venue~TGI Fridays, Wangsa Walk
time~7:15 p.m



kama~grilled lamb

ckin~chicken burger with bacon

ni last minute punye plan..sbb aku a bit bz lately...pastu xde idea la nak buat ape utk die for our anniversary...puas tanye org sekeliling...dorg suggest makan kat tgi fridays...konon2 nak suprise ckin la tp muke die x suprise pon...mcm da bole bace jek! haih!

lepas dinner kitorg karoke...bilik besar nak mampos kat songbox tu tp kitorg bedua je sbb bilik kecik lain da penuh...ape pon we really enjoy ourself!!

p/s: i will always love u!

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