~time is precious~

Thursday, May 27, 2010

lets pack!

Thursday, May 27, 2010 5

frust gile sbb hari ni itu bulan sudeh mengambang!!!arghhhhh....tensen!!! spoil je holiday aku... asal nak travel je period....cis, cis dan cis!!! tp tetap kene packing lah kan??kan?? peduli ape...aku nak snorkeling jugak!!


x tau nak bawak yang mane...


p/s: departure~6:25 pm.. arrival 9:20pm
see ya in sipadan peeps!!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

~lame gile x layan quiz~

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 0

dah pukul 4 pagi tp mate ni x nak tutup2...ntah knape..amik kesempatan yang ade dgn melayan quiz2 sengal ubi di fb~ yang melayan nye pon sengal!!

p/s: setiap kali main quiz fb mesti nak sentap sbb sume result nye mmg tepat2 kene batang hidung... suratan atau kebetulan?? (:

ammar syaqir 10th burfday bash~


P/S: thanx bjewel-cuppies...kek itu sgt sedap sekali :)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

yang terindah itu kamu~

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 1

p/s~buat insan yang amat aku cintai...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

wong solo~

Saturday, May 22, 2010 0

agak unik name restoran itu...bukan restoran encik wong ye...hahahaha...

semalam ibu malas nak masak so abah ajak mkn luar.... ibu kate lets wong solo...aku tanye tempat apekah itu...jakarta kate nye...ahahaha...wong solo ni menyediakan makanan jawa...terletak di bangi...sedap jgklah kan...mmg marvellous!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

this is me~

Friday, May 21, 2010 1

I'm the kind of person who looks for special moments everyday.. I don't let a day slip by without finding a reason to be thankful....or an opportunity to cherish a moment.. It might mean laying out a pretty tablecloth or lighting candles for an ordinary dinner with my girl..or kissing her in the morning.. It might mean writing in my FB status to tell an old friend how I miss her..or baking up a batch of my mom's favourite pineapple tarts under her watchful eyes....or like what i did dis evening, stopping to gaze at the awe of looming stormy clouds in the sky..

I love it when I had the time tu curled up in my favourite chair with Nicholas Sparks novel and a mug of Milo...or feeling good in my "will u marry me" shirt i bought... I miss the moment when I breath in the scent of freshly baked bread wafting out of a bakery at dawn...yes, currently Bread Basket is my fav!!

And guess what?? I cant even remember when was the last I watched movie with my love ones as I always been busy to hang out with my girls to catch a movie we've been dying to watch...and obviously...I miss driving 150km per hour just to enjoy ikan bakar in Umbai...yes...its been soooooo long.. :(

I am enjoying life although sometimes I had to choose to wince at the bill rather than splurging on a radical new hair cut...and it really soothes me when I got to spend a blissful afternoon sipping Ice Blended Caramel in Starbucks while sharing pictures and gifts in Facebook...

I really hope that I can still enjoy the moment when I woke up 2 hours late on a working day and calling in 'sick' eventually....hahahaha....now, all I can do is cuddle my Sasuke and feeling him snuggle up to me...

I would always imagine myself on the couch the whole weekend and finish the entire season of Grey's Anatomy...and I did feel happy seeing my best friend walk down the aisle to the man of her dreams...the same feeling I had when I saw my girl singing loudly along to the songs blasting away on the radio in my car....

Oooooohhhh...how I wish I could pamper myself with a nice long massage and relaxing in the bathtub or travelling overseas with a half empty bag and returning with extra luggage....ahakzz

The opportunities to find happy moments are endless and that's how I plan to live for the longest time..and I hope to love and be love!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Monday, May 3, 2010 1

kesian aku...dah 26 tahun hidup xpenah pegi perlis...jakun jap...kih3.. perlis best..tapi panas..same cam kedah...tebakar kulit kepala...mandi nak dekat 10kali sehari...sesuai sgt la kan dgn aku yg malas mandi ni...

sebab cuaca panas aku malas nak kluar rumah...makan tido je kejenye...tp sempat gak la melepak di kuala perlis dan gua kelam..

p/s: mau ikot kamu pulang lg boleh?? :)

never too late~

aku x faham ape salah nye bile kite keliru dan mintak sedikit masa drpd org yg kite sayang..kadang2 rasa diri ini mcm sampah..bile die tolak aku jauh2, aku cari die mcm org gile..tp die buat bodoh..becakap ape tah lg..nasib baik depan watip...xde lah aku malu sgt...xpelah die je ade ego...ego aku?? kat kaki die kot...

bile aku buat bodoh dgn die dan x reply sms...mcm2 lah sms die bg...mengganggulah..sy x penting bg awaklah..meluat jgk kadang2.. dr umur 23 smpi 26 x habis2 main tarik tali...x ke bosan?? dah la byk buat silap nak ego lg dgn aku?? x cukup bg muka selama ni??

bile mengadu dgn kawan2, aku kene balik..konon nye aku jmp org baru tp tinggal org lama.. xde org pon tanye knape ye aku berubah hati?? ada?? ada??hmmm...xde ok... tp ade jgk lah yg faham..thanx ye..lepas ni sape tanye mmg aku lempang!

ckincomey..awk lari la jauh kalo awk suke sgt nak main lari2 ni kan??seriusly sy dah penat nak kejar...sbb sy dah tua...sakit pinggang...saye syg kat awk tp kalau awk ditempat sy lah kan...awk nak pilih org yg sayang awk tp lari dr awk ke org yg syg awk tp kejar awk?? sy x faham knape awk nak larikan diri tibe2... sy rase kite dah setuju nak bg mase utk diri masing2.. kalo cara ni yg awk pilih, ok its fine with me...

sy call awk x pickup...sy sms awk xreply...PROFESSIONAL SGT kan?? xpelah...sy tunggu je bile awk cari saye...tp ingat...sabar saye ade batas nye...jangan smpi its too late...awk boleh tulis ape je awk nak kat FB ke blog...its ur right...so jgn marah ape yg sy tulis kat FB sy or blog sy cuz its my right...

p/s: im moving on...hope u too..

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